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Listen to new episodes directly on our website. Show is hosted by an ENFP coach and author Dan Johnston.

Want To Go Even Deeper?

I work with a handful of private coaching clients. If you've been listening for a while and feel we might be a great fit for transforming your life then I invite you to learn more. 

The Reviews Are In

“The go-to manual for ENFPs!”

“I read this in 3 days and could not put it down!!”

"I ended up buying a few copies because it’s that good! (I also know a lot of ENFPs so it’s a good gift)."

"This book helped me understand myself on a deep level that not even therapy was able to do.”

“I have read many, many self-help and personal development books over the years…I have never encountered anything that felt so personally actionable, validating and relatable as this book.”